The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre (Formerly known as the De Wildt Cheetah Centre) was established in 1971. As cheetah were highly endangered at that time and found to be very difficult to breed successfully in captivity, the main aim of the Centre was to develop and establish a successful breeding programme to ensure the future survival of the species, added to this was extensive research which over the years has produced valuable information to this end.

Through intense dedication and patience, Ann pioneered a successful breeding programme, which also included discovering the King cheetah. In 1981, the birth of a litter of four cubs which included one king cheetah revealed that this was a genetic variation and not a separate species as thought previously.
In 1978 yet another critically endangered species was introduced to the Centre, the African wild dog, second most endangered carnivore in Africa. Once again Ann developed a very successful breeding programme and the Centre continues to maintain a viable genetic pool.
Fifty years later the Centre still continues with dedication to assist in the conservation of these endangered species. When Ann started this project, her dream was to release into protected areas. Although there was some success in this over the years, it was sadly not as much as she had hoped for, however, today, under the guidance of her nephew Eric this dream is coming to fruition.

The Centre continues to maintain a strong gene pool and works very closely with nature conservation, Ashia cheetah conservation and the Endangered Wildlife Trust as they embark on an exciting project of re-wilding and releasing captive born cheetah into a protected natural habitat. In certain instances, if an animal is not suitable for release for whatever reason, the centre investigates possibilities of a good home for the cheetah and this could include the option of placing it at an accredited facility.
Education is also key, and the Centre is open to the public. Tours led by a knowledgeable guide are offered daily and include guided tours, walking tours, tour with cheetah run, and school tours.
The Centre is a non- profit organisation and relies solely on income from tours, donations, sponsorship and the adoption programme in order to continue the work that it does.
Issued by:
The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre – De Wildt
NPO 086-622
Registration Number: 2010/008351/08
VAT registration Number: 4390282863
PO Box 1756 Hartbeespoort 0216
TEL: 063 693 7403
T: 063 693 7403
Received by:
The Weekend Magazine