Tala Valley Road, Eston 3740

Some like to enjoy the sites of KwaZulu Natal by sitting in a perfectly good car and some like to enjoy the sight of Durban by jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane.
From either perspective the KwaZulu Natal coastline is magical but Skydiving Durban allows you to see the entirety of the magic in one mad leap. No experience is necessary for Tandem Skydives with the certified crew having thousands of hours of experience 'as a bird'. Practice your James Bond accent for a mission recreation or bring your own yellow cat suit for special effects.
A 20 minute briefing will have you soaring scenically in a 20 minute plane ride climbing to the desired altitude. Instructors altitude dials will read 10 000 ft above ground level and your 35 second freefall to earth will activate exhilaration. Float under a canopy of adrenalin that the instructors will allow you to steer for a short duration of the 6 minute decent.
Take-in the magnitude of Natal that expands below your dangling feet. Approach the drop-zone on a wild sensation of scenery and speed. Optional DVD and photo footage will replay the ultimate flight so you can re-live the thrill. Static-line and Accelerated Free-fall courses are also available. All equipment is provided. 5; 4; 3; 2; 1; JUMP!
Contact Us
T: +27 72 214 6040